JASMIN updates: new cluster and maintenance day
Posted on January 15, 2025 (Last modified on January 28, 2025) • 4 min read • 667 wordsIn this update:
scratch disksDetails:
The new batch cluster LOTUS2, with a new version of the Slurm workload manager, is available for testing via the job submission sci host sci-ph-03.jasmin.ac.uk
. There is a new job accounting hierarchy for this Slurm cluster, with a new set of partitions and qualities of service (QoS) that have attributes of run-length time limits and resources. Please consult the
initial guide
on how to submit a job to LOTUS2. The full documentation will be updated in due course.
The old LOTUS partitions par-multi
and long-serial
will be closed on Friday 31st January at 16:00. The equivalent resources on LOTUS2 are accessible via:
and QoS highres
and QoS long
machines to new cluster
Job submission hosts can only be connected with one Slurm cluster, so as part of the introduction of the new cluster, the sci
machines need to be switched over to use the new cluster, starting with the physical sci
This will happen on Thursday 30th January. Access to sci-ph-0[1,2].jasmin.ac.uk
will be disabled from 09:00 while the switchover takes place: a downtime of 2 hours is expected. When these machines come back up, they will only be able to submit to the new (LOTUS2) cluster.
Updated 28 Jan:
will now be switched over for job submissions to the new cluster LOTUS2 straight after shutdown/reboot on Wednesday 29th January from 06:00 (downtime of 1-2 hours expected).sci-ph-01
will now be switched over for job submissions to the new cluster LOTUS2 straight after shutdown/reboot on Monday, 3rd February, from 06:00 (downtime of 1-2 hours expected).A further switchover of the virtual sci machines will be announced in due course.
All LOTUS standard partitions (queues) will be closed on Tuesday 18th February at 16:00: job submissions to these will be rejected but any pending or running jobs will proceed until completion. The equivalent resources on LOTUS2 are as follows:
and QoS short
and QoS standard
and QoS highres
and QoS debug
To be announced in due course.
Intel nodes in the old LOTUS cluster will gradually be decommissioned starting from the upcoming scheduled maintenance day on 21 Jan 2025. No Intel hardware features in the new cluster. If you have codes in C or Fortran compiled specifically for Intel CPU architecture, these will fail to run on LOTUS2.
scratch disks
A per-user limit of 100TB will be introduced on /work/scratch-pw[2,3]
storage volumes. Please manage your disk space to avoid batch jobs from failing. Please remember to clear up after your work to free up space for other users of the platform.
As previously announced via the status page, a regular maintenance day is scheduled for Tuesday 21st January. This potentially affects all JASMIN and CEDA Services.
The LOTUS and LOTUS2 batch processing cluster will be unavailable for the duration of the work on the day, to avoid running jobs being adversely affected. A reservation will start at 05:00 until 23:59 on the day, but any job submitted before 04:00 with a running time that goes over the reservation period will not start until after the reservation has finished.
Thank you for your attention and in advance for your cooperation.
With apologies for any inconvenience caused,
See also:
Rocky 9 migration